David Sundstrom, CPA, recently joined Eide Bailly, a regional certified public accounting and business advisory firm, in the internal audit area.
Sundstrom has a well-established record of being a champion of transparency and extensive experience in completing internal audits. He co-developed 38 standards of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, on which he served for nearly 10 years. He specializes in delivering projects that concentrate on economy, efficiency and the effectiveness of operations.
Sundstrom established internal audit functions at the University of California, Davis, the California State University System, the County of Orange and the County of Sonoma. He has served as president of the Orange County Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors, as well as president of the California State Association of County Auditors. He also served as a chair of the California State Controller's Advisory Committee on Accounting Procedures.
“Eide Bailly is a great fit for me because they have a wide variety of resources to help clients stay ahead,” said Sundstrom. “I look forward to continuing my passion of delivering exceptional projects and helping clients achieve peak performance.”
"We're excited to add Sundstrom's unique skillsets to our internal audit team and look forward to seeing how his knowledge and experience will help our government clients," said Jodi Daugherty, Partner-in-Charge of Government.